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Modeling context

The mesh actions menu allows you to apply different operations on the selected mesh.


This menu will not open if there is no editable mesh selected, to select a mesh, go to the "Objects" menu and tap on its name. Remember that editable meshes are the ones with the triangle with points icon.

Modeling Actions

  • Delete: Removes the selected object/face/edge/point.

  • Duplicate: Duplicates the selected object/face/edge/point.

  • Detach: Detaches the selected face/edge/point.

  • Close Hole: If there is a hole in the mesh, selecting the adjacent faces/edges/points will close it.

  • Dissolve: This action will delete the selected edges and the unnecesary points.

  • Collapse: This action will weld the points of the seleciton together.

  • Remove Non-manifold: This action removes geometry that doesn't exist in reality.

  • Optimize: This action can be used to find and remove double or overlapping elements.

  • Duplicate: This action duplicates the faces selected.

  • Align Normals: When creating surfaces you may sometimes create surfaces whose Normals point in the wrong direction. Using Align Normals, you can quickly correct the direction.

  • Reverse Normals: This action is similar to Align Normals. Here, however, the Normals are reversed. If no polygons are selected, all the Normals of a selected object are reversed. With an active selection only the Normals of the selected surfaces are considered.

  • Remove Ngons: This action automatically converts existing N-Gons to normal triangles and quads. Point, edge or polygon selections can also be used if N-Gons should only be converted in specific regions.

  • Retriangulate Ngons: Internally, N-Gons consist of triangles and quads. The arrangement of these polygons is defined when the N-Gons are created and will not change, even if the position of the edge points change. This action can be used to update the arrangement of the polygons in existing N-Gons.

  • Triangulate: Triangulate converts all of an object's polygons to triangles. It analyses polygon selections (only these will be subdivided). In all other modes, the entire object will be triangulated.

  • Detriangulate: If a given object is only made up of triangles, this action will convert these triangles back to quads or n-gons.

  • Subdivide: With this action you can subdivide faces. If no polygons are selected when subdividing a particular polygon object, then all polygons are partitioned. Otherwise, only the selected polygons are subdivided.

  • Spin Edges: This action spins the selected edges (several can be turned simultaneously) of two adjacent faces and connects them to the neighboring two points.

  • Create Shading Break: Phong shading is broken for the selected edges.

  • Smooth Shading Break: Phong shading is restored for the selected edges.

  • Connect: Using this action you can create a single object from multiple objects.

Selection Actions

Open the context menu while pressing the "add/remove to/from selection shortcut" to open the selection menu.

  • All: It selects all the elements in the mesh.
  • Clear: Clears the selection.
  • Invert: Inverts the selection.
  • Grow: This action grows the selection on the mesh.
  • Shrink: Shrinks the selection.
  • Connected: Selects all the elements that are connected.
  • Convert: With this action you can convert one type of selection to another, such as a polygon selection to a point selection.
  • Symmetrize: This action can be used to mirror point, edge or polygon selections of polygonal objects based on the mesh symmetry settings.
  • Outline: In polygon mode, this tool selects the edges that outline the selected polygons.