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Format notes


Forger Package Scene (*.fpk)

This is the default Forger format, it supports saving all scenes contents and states, including selections and tool preferences.

It is recommended that you remain in this format for as long as you can and use the more general export/import formats to interact with other mobile or desktop apps.


Sculpting limitations

Forger only supports two manifold meshes for sculpting, and it will show errors if any non-manifold mesh is attempted to load.

Non-Manifold meshes:

  • Can't be subdivided (with catmull clark).
  • Can't have their subdivision levels rebuilt

Forger does not support importing of "invalid meshes" for sculpting, the following would be considered invalid meshes by Forger:

  • Meshes with floating vertices (not in use by faces).
  • Meshes with "faces" that have less than 3 vertices.

OBJ (.obj)

Forger only allows single object OBJ importing, multi-object importing will be added in future versions of the app. In order to import multiple objects from a single file whilst keeping them as independent geometry nodes in the scene once imported, the Alembic format must be used.

  • Import:
    • UVs (if found)
    • Geometry
  • Export:
    • UVs (if any)
    • Geometry

Alembic (*.abc)

Forger has "basic" support of Alembic files, allowing the import of single frame meshes.

Only Ogawa Alembic files are supported

  • Import:

    Forger will import any sub-meshes as individual MultiresMesh nodes.

Keyboard Shortcuts


Shortcut Action
Tab Toggles side menu visibility
T Toggle "tool" menu display
G Toggle "selection" menu display
O Toggle "objects" menu display
Cmd+S Save
Cmd+Shift+S Save As...
Cmd+Z Undo
Cmd+Shift+Z Redo
Alt Hold + tap on mesh to change selection
Alt Hold to navigate - Hold, touch outside to pan - Hold-release, touch outside to zoom
F Repositions the camera to frame the current selection
L While pressed, you can adjust the light placement by moving the cursor
H Hides the current selection
Shift+H Unhides the current selection
Cmd+I Toggles isolate selection
0 - 9 Changes current tool to (toolbox) Tool Presets #1-10
Ctrl+(1 - 8) Changes current tool preset to falloff presets #1-8


Shortcut Action
Ctrl Run alternate tool function (often negative)
Shift While pressed, the active tool is changed temporarily to the Smooth Brush
C While pressed, the active tool is changed temporarily to the Mask Brush, if a mesh isn't tapped at the start of a stroke, it will turn into "Quick Area selection", when combined with Shift and starting outside it will do "Quick Visibility Selection" instead.
B While pressed, you can adjust the brush size by moving the cursor
M While pressed, you can adjust the brush strength by moving the cursor
W Changes the active tool to the Transform (Translation mode)
E Changes the active tool to the Transform (Rotation mode)
R Changes the active tool to the Transform (Scaling mode)
X Toggles symmetry for the currently selected Mesh (if any)
Cmd+D Duplicates the currently selected Mesh (if any)
Cmd+R Remeshes the currently selected Mesh (if any)
Shift+D Subdivides the currently selected Mesh (if any)
Cmd+Up Arrow Makes the currently selected mesh go one sublevel up
Cmd+Down Arrow Makes the currently selected mesh go one sublevel down