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Frequently Asked Questions

This section answers frequently asked questions by users.

Please note that each one of these questions might be answered in other parts of the manual but they have been copied here to ease the learning process and/or to avoid users from having to dig through other parts of the manual to get to their answers.

What is the maximum amount of polygons per mesh?

The app is purely limited by the available memory of the device that the app is running on.

There is a "hard limit" set by iOS that varies by device, Forger tries as much as possible to stay within that limit.

Finally, as an example, a 1st Gen iPad Pro (2015, 4Gb RAM, 2.4GB usable) can subdivide meshes up to the 6-8+ Million range, higher polycounts will be possible as devices get more memory...

What is the maximum amount of meshes per scene?

The limit depends on the amount of memory available on your device.

How do I get files from a Desktop computer into Forger for iOS and vice versa?

Forger allows you import many types of files (models/textures/references/stamps/IBLs/litspheres) from Desktop, once placed in the relevant folders, Forger will know what to do with them.

There are four ways of getting files in/out Forger:

  • Apple files app: from iOS11 onwards, this app can be used to move files across, and to access the Forger "Documents" folder, any files put here, or in its subdirectories will be accessible from Forger. Local Storage folders are located under the "On My iPad/iPhone" sections of the Apple files app. You can make use of different cloud providers (iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, ...) to transfer files in/out of their devices. (For more info, please read: ).
  • iTunes File Sharing: This is the old style of synchronization, it has been available iOS since the first version of Forger. You can sync your files across using iTunes via wifi or whilst the cable is plugged. (For more info, please read: ).
  • Email: You can email yourself files (if iOS has an email account configured).
  • Third Party "file-management" Apps: These apps will generally use the iOS "Open In..." or, if they have extensions, they may be listed under the Apple files app, as file providers. Some of these external files use WebDAV to allow transfering files from devices to Desktop computers, often allowing iOS devices to be mounted as "drives" in Desktop computers.